Congratulations, hope, wish dalam bahasa Inggris diucapkan saat memberikan ucapan selamat kepada orang lain atas kebahagiaan dan prestasi. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terkadang kita akan memberikan ucapan dan harapan atas kebahagiaan dan prestasi yang dicapai orang lain.
Pembicaraan ini dapat bersifat formal atau pun informal. Berikut ini kita pelajari bagaimana cara pengucapan Congratulations, Hope, Wish.
Chapter 1: Congratulations, Hope, Wish.
Congratulations adalah ucapan selamat yang ditujukan kepada seseorang atas prestasi dan kebahagiaan yang diraih.
Contoh: prestasi sekolah, lomba (competition), mendapatkan beasiswa (scholarship), ulang tahun (aniversary) dan lain-lain.
Contoh ekspresi/ungkapan:
- Congratulations, George! - (Selamat, George!)
- Congratulations on winning the English speech contest! - (Selamat telah memenangkan kontes pidato bahasa Inggris!)
- Congratulation Finns on being the champion! - (Selamat Finns telah menjadi juara!)
- I’m happy for you. Congratulations! - (Aku ikut bahagia, selamat!)
- Congratulations Kurt, you become the winner! - (Selamat Kurt, kamu menjadi pemenang!)
Hope and Wish
Hope and wish adalah ungkapan atau ucapan untuk seseorang yang menunjukkan doa, harapan dan keinginan terhadap orang lain supaya lebih baik.
Pernyataan mengenai hope & wish juga berupa harapan untuk terkabul cita-cita yang menjadi harapan dan impian bagi seseorang
Contoh ekspresi/ungkapan:
- I hope you will win the competition!: (Saya harap Anda akan memenangkan kompetisi!)
- I hope you pass the examination: (Saya harap Anda lulus ujian)
- Wish you luck: (Semoga kamu beruntung)
- Wish me luck: (Semoga aku beruntung)
- Wish you all the best: (Semoga tercapai segala yang terbaik untukmu)
- Wish us luck: (Semoga kita berhasil)
- Good luck: (Semoga berhasil)
Lihat juga materi B. Inggris SMP Kelas 9 Lainnya:
Contoh Soal Congratulations, Hope, Wish Kelas 9 SMP
1. Due to the long holiday during the great nine students having the try out, all seventh grade students have to complete their English homework from page 50 to 56.
How many students having the try out?
A. 5 students
B. 7 students
C. 9 students
D. All seventh grade students
2. Situation:
Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day.
Beni congratulates her.
What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?
Beni : ”....................................................”
Siti : ”Thank you.”
A. Sure, Good luck.
B. Congratulate to Siti
C. Congratulations, Siti.
D. Thanks, I will do my best
3. A: I have a winner for this competition.
B: Wow , great..........I am proud of you.
A. congratulation
B. good luck
C. happy for you
D. nice
4. Why did aunt Farah send the card? Because….

A. Ratna is sad
B. Ratna is sick
C. She misses Ratna
D. She will visit Ratna
5. Aunt Farah hopes that Ratna will….

A. Be fine soon
B. Come to hug her
C. Take care of her
D. Wish her for luck
6. Who sent the card?

A. Chicha
B. Chicha’s friend
C. Chicha’s sister
D. Chicha’s brother
7. “wishing you a speedy recovery.

The underlined word has closest in meaning with…
A. Being healthy
B. Getting worse
C. Feeling bad
D. Having fun
8. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope ...
A. I need a nice house
B. I would like to have a nice house
C. I wish I had a nice house
D. I like a nice house
9. Faiz : What’s up? You look so sad.
Rizki : My brother got sick and he is still hospitalized
Faiz : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry to hear that. How is he now?
Rizk : He is getting better now
Faiz : Oh, ………….
Rizki : I hope so
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is...
A. I hope he will get well soon.
B. I hope he looks so sad.
C. I hope he is still hospitalized.
D. I hope he gets sick.
10. Dika : I won the competition yesterday
Hendri : Really? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations
Dika : .....
Hendri : You are welcome
A. Thanks for saying so.
B. I hope you say so.
C. Oh, don't mention it.
D. That's very great
11. Lucy has just got a new computer from her parents. What will you say?
A. I hope you can use it for playing in the class
B. Congratulations, it's good for you
C. Really? That's a sad thing to hear
D. I don't know if your parents have money
12. When do we congratulate someone? When ...
A. we are happy
B. someone meets us
C. the person achieves an accomplishment
D. someone gets a punishment from others
13. Read The dialogue below!
Dayu : Congratulations on being the champion of the class, Lina!
I hope you will be the winner of the school's competition, too.
Lina : Thanks, I hope so, too
Beni : I'm happy for you, Lina. Congratulations! I hope you win the
first prize in the school's competition.
Lina : Thank you, Wish me luck!
What Does Dayu say to express her hope for Lina's success?
A. I'm happy for you
B. Congratulations on being the champion of the class, Lina
C. I hope you will be the winner of the school's competition, too
D. Thank you, Wish me luck!
14. What do the people say on other people's success, achievements, good fortune?
A. I hope and wish
B. Congratulations
C. I don't agree with you
D. Amazing
15. Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?”
Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu : ”Well done. ........................”
Udin : ”Thank you.”
A. I’m glad to hear that.
B. That’s too bad
C. I’m sorry.
D. You’re welcome
16. If you want compliment someone on their appearance. What would you say?
A. Well done.
B. Happy Birthday to you
C. Thank you
D. What a beautiful hair!
17. Lina will join a speech contest tomorrow. What do you say to support her?
A. I wish you can do all the test
B. I hope you can't win the contest
C. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your winning the contest
D. I can't believe you can win it
18. My mother is cick. The best wish for her is.........
A. Congratulation on your sickness
B. Get well soon my mother
C. Why are you sick?
D. Don't be sick
19. Look at the picture and choose the best wish...

A. Don't be sick!
B. Congratulation on your sickness.
C. Get Well Soon, my friend.
D. Why are you sick?
20. My sister will get married. I wish her ....
A. a long lasting marriage
B. happy
C. fun and happy
D. nice
Demikian materi singkat dan contoh soal Congratulations, Hope, Wish untuk kelas 9 SMP yang dapat kami bagikan, anda dapat unduh contoh soal Congratulations, Hope, Wish melalui tautan berikut ini :