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Materi dan Contoh Soal Let’s Live a Healthy Life Kelas 9 |
Dalam Materi dan Contoh Soal Let’s live a healthy life SMP Kelas 9 ini ada beberapa hal yang dipelajari, yaitu:
- Purpose or intention to do something, and
- Agree or Disagree with a suggestion or an idea.
Beberapa kosakata yang sering digunakan dalam materi Bahasa Inggris Let’s live a healthy life! antara lain adalah:
- Take rest - Istirahat
- Care - Perhatian
- Germs - Kuman
- Lungs - Paru-paru
- Muscle - Otot
- Jog - Lari
- Regularly - Rutin
- Sweep - Menyapu
- Mop - Mengepel
- Exercise - Olahraga
To state the purpose or intention to do something (untuk menyatakan maksud atau niat melakukan sesuatu).
Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan maksud dan tujuan melakukan sesuatu dapat diungkapkan dengan menggunakan kata to, in order to, dan so that.
“To” menyatakan untuk/supaya, diikuti dengan Verb bentuk pertama atau be.
To + V1/be
Contoh penggunaan “to” adalah:
- We should eat enough vegetables, fruit, rice, meat, fish, tofu, and tempe to be healthy.
- We can jog to have stronger lungs.
- Swimming is also good to stay in shape.
- We should sweep and mop the floors to get rit of dirt.
- Drink a cup of tea in the morning to be healthy
In order to
“In order to” menyatakan supaya/agar, biasanya setelah frasa ini kemudian diikuti dengan Verb atau be untuk nominal sentence.
Contoh penggunaan “in order to” dalam buku adalah:
- Maybe you have to take some rest in order to get well soon.
- I think you need to see the doctor soon in order to get help.
- We should eat well in order to get sick easily.
- We can also swim in order to have strong muscles.
- In order to stay healthy we should eat a lot more healthy home-made foods.
- In order to be healthy we should keep our home and school clean.
- We should wash the dishes right away after meals in order not to get harmful bacteria.
- Drink a glass of tomato juice in order to keep our eyes health.
So / So that
“So that” berarti sehingga, biasanya setelah frasa ini diikuti oleh subjek.
Contoh penggunaan “So/ So that” adalah:
- You need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.
- Don't forget to wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them so you will not take any germs into your tummy
- We should not eat too much instant food so that we will not get serious diseases.
- We have to clean up our bathtub regularly so that mosquitoes don’t lay’s their egg there.
- We have to brush our teeth twice a day so that we will not get a toothache.
Agreement (setuju) and Disagreement (tidak setuju)
Expression of agreement
Merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan persetujuan.
Contoh ungkapan setuju adalah:
- I agree with Udin
- I agree with Dayu
- I agree with Siti and Edo
- That’s a smart idea
- I agree …
- You are right
- That’s the point
- I will say that
- I feel the same way about …
- That’s exactly how I feel
- That’s for sure
- I couldn’t agree with you more
- Absolutely
- Exactly
- That’s so true
- I guess so
Expression of disagreement
Merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tidak setuju..
Contoh ungkapan tidak setuju adalah:
- I don’t think that’s a good idea.
- I don’t agree with you, Siti.
- I don’t agree
- I don’t think so
- That’s not what I think
- I couldn’t agree with you less
- I’m not sure
- Probably not
- I’m afraid I disagree
- I totally disagree
- I beg to differ
- Not necessarily
- That’s not always true
- That’s no always the case
- I’m not sure about that
Setelah membaca materi diatas, marilah kita mengerjakan Contoh Soal dar materi Let’s live a healthy life dibawah ini. Soal ini berjumlah 10 butir soal pilihan ganda yang tentunya kami lengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya.
Contoh Soal Let’s live a healthy life
1. Lina : “Dayu, you look very pale. I think you need to see the doctor soon in order to get help. Don’t take diarrhea lightly.”
Dayu: “No, of course not. Actually, My mom is on her way from the office to take me to the hospital.”
From the dialogue, we know that Lina ...
A. prises to Dayu
B. apologizes to Dayu
C. hopes Dayu get well soon
D. states intention to Dayu to do something.
2. Udin : “I feel so sleepy and bored. Let’s stop working for a while to get some fresh air outside.”
Dayu: “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s finish our text first, and then we’ll go out and have
bakso in Pak Man.”
What expression does Dayu say?
A. Expression of agreement
B. Expression of disagreement
C. Expression of giving an advice
D. Expression of giving a compliment
3. Udin : “I feel so sleepy and bored. Let’s stop working for a while to get some fresh air outside.”
Dayu: “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s finish our text first, and then we’ll go out and have
bakso in Pak Man.”
What expression does Udin say?
A. Expression of giving a compliment
B. Expression of giving a suggestion.
C. Expression of disagreement
D. Expression of agreement
4. Lina: “Come on everybody. Stand up, and drink a lot of water. Then, come here to strech up and have a little exercise for just two minutes.”
Udin: “That’s a smart idea.”
The underlined phrase is ....
A. Expression of doing something.
B. Expression of giving a suggestion.
C. Expression of disagreement.
D. Expression of agreement.
5. Beni : “Remember that Dayu got diarrhea because she did not wash the fruit before she ate it.”
Lina : “So, you should always wash your fruit before you eat it … you will not get diarrhea.”
A. but
B. so that
C. because
D. before
6. Edo’s advice
Regular exercise is good for your health, too. We can jog to have stronger lungs.
Based on Edo’s advice, what would you say if we want to ask questions about the purpose of doing something,
Dayu: “ ...............”
Udin : “To have stronger lungs.”
A. What should we jog?
B. What should we jog for?
C. What do we have to jog?
D. What should we have to jog?
7. The following are the expression of hope, except ….
A. Let’s hope we will pass the National Exam
B. I hope your father will be okay soon
C. I hope you will success
D. I have to go to airport
8. Situation
Fitra has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend. He will present it to her on her birthday. Dara praises the picture and she’s sure that Tinta will like it.
Dara : “Fitra, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.”
Fitra : “……”
A. Thanks. I hope so too.
B. Happy Birthday.
C. Wish me luck.
D. Good luck.
9. Siti’s Advice
We should eat enough vegetable, fruit, rice, meat, egg, fish, tofu, and tempe to be healthy. Don’t skip breakfast.
From the text, we know that Siti says ....
A. we should not skip breakfast so that we will do our activities
B. we should eat enough fruit so that we will get energy
C. we should eat enough in order to be healthy
D. we should eat well in order not to get sick
10. Lina : “I don’t feel well. I’m catching a cold.”
Udin: “You should go to the doctor.”
Beni : “ ... Just take a good rest and drink a lot of water, Lina.”
A. I think that’s a good idea.
B. Don’t say that I don’t like it.
C. I don’t think that’s a good idea.
D. Thank you for your suggestion.
Anda dapat juga untuk mengunduh Contoh Soal Let’s live a healthy life ini dalam format pdf melalui tautan berikut ini:
Demikian materi singkat dan contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP Let’s live a healthy life, semoga dengan materi dan soal-soal ini dapat bermanfaat untuk anda yang membutuhkan.